Thursday, November 18, 2010

wishing to look beautiful tonight

 Wishing to look beautiful for you tonight,
I adorn myself with you
Your love is my ornament
Your words are my diamonds and rubies,
The pearl that sits in my ear…

Your smell still lingers in me somewhere,
What other perfume could I wear…
Your promise I pick and choose,
Are the stars I wear in my hair

Your love chains me to you,
Tinkling in my feet as I move…
Your embrace soft and warm
Is the apricot silk I wrap my body in

Your dreams have filled my eyes
So I do away with the kajal...
Your kiss is the color that brightens my lips

I steal a final glance at myself in the mirror
And I realize my mirror is you…
Wishing to look beautiful tonight,
I adorn myself with you.

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